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Free Consultation 

We offer free no obligation consultations with a trained consultant. We has all the legal training to take your instructions or offer advice for your requirements.


Phone & Email Support 

We can offer basic advice and information over the phone, through email or over facebook.

We can not take instruction over the phone.

Two Visits 

We make two visits, first one to chat, and possibly take an instruction. If your require our services we will then book a witnessing appointment to return completed documents for signing.

Professional Information 

We offer professional advice and infomation. Anything we can not answer we will find a way to get that answer to you. Whether that be a financial advisor or Solicitor we shall point you in the right direction.

As a Lawyer, We Do Not:

Data Protection

We do NOT share your information with any other company unless you have asked us too. Your infomation is protected.

During Your cooling off period

After any instruction is taken we give you 14 days to cancel.

Make decisions for you 

all decisions you make must be your own. We can only offer advice, explain what is available for you. We can not however make decisions for you.

After Service Support 

We are always here for support, to clarify and to explain.

We also offer discounts on updates in the future.

Speak to other companies on your behalf

We are not able to speal to other legal firms on your behalf.

Postpartum follow-up visit 

We offer information on use of other law firms for other work you may require, such as property sales.

Community Referrals

We offer family discounts for referrals

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